In today’s post we’ll chat thru…

② What MOTIVATION really IS
③ How to “G.E.T.” MOTIVATED using these 3 things.


Hello hello friends! I’m pumped up for a quick episode that’s going to truly TRANSFORM THE WAY YOU THINK ABOUT MOTIVATION….but before I get to that I have to remind you…at the time I’m recording this, women have been CLAIMING spots for the VERY FIRST SISTERHOOD RETREAT. I truly can’t WAIT for the retreat and all the transformation, growth, + friendships coming (and honeslty just SPOIL the women who GET HERE with an unforgettable time). I know what retreats have done in MY LIFE and I know what it can do for you, too no matter where you’re at in your journey. So. If you’re looking for a girls weekend meets self care meets all things growth, getting out of your own way, and making PROGRESS towards what matters most to you…you’ve got to hurry up and grab a spot for our VERY FIRST SISTERHOOD RETREAT. It’s here in Tampa FL, August 30th - Sept 2nd and all the details + link to grab your spot are on my website - OR you can DM me on Instagram with any q’s and I’m happy to help. Just wanted to pop in and share that FIRST bc the spots are going to go and once the 10 fill up I won’t have space until I announce the next retreat. Okay…let’s jump into today’s topic: how to ACTUALLY “GET” MOTIVATED.


Motivation is a powerful and tricky little thing, ya know? One second you can have THE MOST MOTIVATION EVER and the next it can feel like you never had any at all. It’s the ONE THING I hear time and time again from women I work with “Britt, I’m just not motivated.” or “Britt, how do you stay so motivated?”

So WHAT EXACTLY IS motivation? Well, scientists define motivation as your general willingness to do something. Basically the reason to show up for a goal, right?

For me, though, my motivation often comes from how I DON’T want to feel. There’s an awesome quote that goes "“At some point, the pain of not doing it becomes greater than the pain of doing it” and that speaks to me, ya know?

At some point in my journey…whether it was fitness, or business, or wanting to be an amazing wife, the pain of change is far better than the pain of staying the same.

It became easier to lace up my sneakers when I was tired and feel the pain in my legs + lungs on an after work run, than it was to look in the mirror and feel uncomfortable in my skin or sit on the couch and hide my body with a pillow.

It became easier to feel awkward making a post on social media talking about my business or invite someone to become a client of mine, than it was to not contribute financially to our home.
It became easier to get my booty out of bed in the morning and fight thru those first 15 minutes of wishing I were in bed, than it was to feel rushed and chaotic each morning…never having time to care for myself.

It became easier to make a mocktail in the evening even though my brain said “have the glass of wine,” than it did to wake up in the middle of the night with my liver on fire and the hangover of an awful night sleep.

This, to me, is what we’re getting at when we are truly motivated. Understanding that every choice has a price. Every choice. And when we are motivated about what we DON’T WANT it’s easier to bear the uncomfy-ness or inconvenience of action than the pain of regret or remaining the stuck and the same.


I wanted to make this really easy today and something you can actually REMEMBER when you walk away. So next time you say to yourself “I need to GET motivated” you can remember how to with the word “GET.” What I’ve found is that you have to think of your GOAL, your ENERGY, and your TINY CHOICES. G.E.T. Let’s break these down further…


The definition of motivation says it itself - your REASON FOR SHOWING UP FOR A GOAL. So the second you find yourself not feeling motivated you’ve got to check in. Do you actually have a goal? And. Is that GOAL worth getting out of bed for, showing up for, or moving towards when you don’t really feel like it. Bc you won’t always FEEL LIKE doing things. We know this. And. You don’t have to allow you emotions to dictate your behaviors.

At some point, the goal has to matter so much to you that discomfort can’t stand in it’s way. That’s why I talked about the pain of staying stuck or staying the same. That’s often my biggest motivator bc I know that I don’t want the goal to be “THAT.” Maybe I’m not crystal clear on what the future will be or what the end goal is, but if I at least know what I DON’T WANT, that can be a guiding light.

So be honest with yourself. What do you REALLY WANT? On the surface, my health goals used to be all about the physical stuff and the exterior. If someone asked me what my health goals were, it would’ve involved numbers on a scale, pant sizes, and the way I look in photos. And that works…for a little while. But what’s actually made me stick with my health routine was getting honest about what was REALLY UNDERNEATH ALL OF THAT. And for me, it’s the feeling I have when I am consistent vs the feeling I have when I’m not. I don’t like the way I feel - mind, body, or spirit - when I’m not moving my body, eating well, hydrating myself, and getting quality rest. I hate that feeling. I’m a terrible friend and wife. I’m terribly unkind to myself. I’m lethargic and uninteresting. I lack creativity and drive. And so the pain of showing up doesn’t matter so much…I’m doing it for the after feeling, ya know? I want to be a great human. I want energy and vitality. I want to be creative and interesting. So I show up bc that’s what I REALLY WANT. Figure out what you REALLY WANT and it will make all the difference.


Here’s the thing. Most of the time you aren’t lacking motivation. You have the goal. You know what you want. So what’s missing?

You’re freaking TIRED. Burnt out. Exhausted. Mentally drained. Experiencing decision fatigue. Carrying a mental load no one can see. You’re not unmotivated. You’re simply tired.

Energy is something we rarely consider when we talk about motivation. And it’s SO KEY bc one of the most fascinating pieces about motivation is that it often comes after you take action. After you do the thing. Isn’t that wild?! We often use motivation as the EXCUSE for not showing up to take action, but we actually need to do the thing to get the motivation. This is why energy needs to be a part of the conversation and one I’m excited to remind you of.

Check in.

How’s your sleep? Are you getting quality sleep where you wake up rested?
How’s your nutrition? Are you eating meals that nourish your body and give you natural energy or is it mostly processed, fake food?
How’s the lighting? Are you getting sunlight or are you stuck in an office with flourescent lights all day, staring at a screen?
How’s your movement? Are you moving your body regularly and taking walks or sitting at a desk all day?
How’s your water intake? Are you drinking half your body weight in ounces of water (like real, actual water) each day? Or are you pounding coffee, pop (yes I call it pop 😜), energy drinks, etc?

These are your ENERGY GIVERS. And there are other things you can do, but this list - sleep, food, sunlight, movement, and water - are the most basic starting point. Show up to these and watch your motivation begin to grow for what you desire in life. When I feel good, I show up differently, ya know? And the same is true for you.


Okay and the last part is your CHOICES friends. You’ve got the goal. You know what you REALLY WANT to do. You’ve got the energy. But are you DOING ANYTHING WITH IT? And I’m not talking about big leaps or going all in from 0 to 100 on a whim only to fizzle and burn out.

I’m talking about SMALL STEPS. TINY CHOICES. IN THE DIRECTION OF YOUR DESIRES. CONSISTENTLY. Not perfectly, but CONSISTENTLY. Over a long enough period of time for it to even matter.

So often our motivation lacks bc we don’t give our tiny choices enough TIME. But have you ever heard of the COMPOUND EFFECT? It’s where we see that success in any area of life is a direct result of small, smart choices over time that transform into radical results. In the book, the author Darren Hardy gives an example of the Magic Penny. He says,

If you were given a choice between getting $3 million in cash today or a single penny that doubles in value every day for 31 days, which one would you choose?

Most people would choose the $3 million bc it’s a quick solution and seems like a great deal. But if you take the penny and your friend took the cash, on day 10 your friend would have $3 million in cold, hard cash, while you would have only $5.12. On day 20, you would have $5,243, which is a lot better than $5 but still nowhere near the $3 million dollar mark. By day 29, you’ll have $2.7 million, almost as much as your friend’s $3 million. However, it isn’t until day 30, that your magic penny bet pays off and is now worth $5.3 million. On day 31, the very last day, your penny doubles again and is now worth a total of $10,737,418.24. About three times more than the enticing $3 million option.

There’s a COMPOUND EFFECT that is happening in our choices. I’ve seen how this works in my own life. The more and more I chip away with my head down towards a goal, the bigger and bigger it begins to look from the outside in. And this is hard to do when you feel frustrated that your work isn’t paying off. But never mistake frustration for a lack of motivation. I’ll say that again…


I have to ask myself in moments when I want to throw in the towel what life would be like if I KEPT GOING and what life would be like if I stopped. Maybe I’m not getting the results I want in my wellness journey, but if I stop will that help? Nope. So I keep going bc even if it hasn’t happened, yet, I know my odds are more in my favor if I keep going. Same thing applies in my business. When I get frustrated that all of my hard work isn’t very fruitful and I kinda want to quit…I ask myself if quitting will help get me to my business goals. The answer is no. So I keep going.

It’s the TINY CHOICES. In the direction of your desires. That’s what moves you closer and closer to your goals. And the closer and closer you get…the more that finish line is in sight, well the more motivated you feel, right? So you have to keep going.

So. Next time you’re lacking motivation…I want you to remember how to “GET” it.




That’s how I “GET MOTIVATION” and I can’t wait to hear how that works as you apply it to your own life + journey. Be sure to share this episode on your social and tag me so I can see what you’re loving + learning along the way. I’m rooting for you. And I can’t wait to see you back here next time on The SELF CARE Sisterhood Podcast. 🖤🤟🏼


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